About Vicky Abrams

Vicky Abrams started Tasteaholics and So Nourished in 2015 with her husband, Rami, hoping to document all their low carb cooking adventures. She is an expert in the keto diet industry and is the author of the bestseller, Keto Diet for Dummies, and the Keto in Five cookbook series. In her spare time, Vicky volunteers to help animals get adopted using her acquired photography skills. She enjoys traveling, spending time outdoors and working with her hands.

Norpro Cut-N-Slice Flexible Cutting Boards (Set of 3)

2015-03-15T14:58:43-04:00By |Essentials, Utensils|

Flexible, super thin cutting boards have some benefits we wish our wooden ones had! They don't take up much space, are easy to clean (bendable in the sink) and don't need to be taken care of like solid wood boards. They also come "food-coded" to help you keep meat, fish and veggies/fruits separate for better [...]

Better Houseware Pastry and Ravioli Wheel

2015-03-15T14:58:41-04:00By |Baking Tools, Essentials, Utensils|

Whether you're making ravioli, pastries or crusts, this ravioli wheel does a great job. It will put a smile on your face when you cut into the dough and get a design that will have people wondering where you bought your raviolis! The wheel is super easy to clean and is dishwasher safe. A simple but great little [...]

Ekco Wood Rolling Pin

2015-03-15T14:58:26-04:00By |Essentials, Utensils|

What can we say? It's a fine product for the cost. Solid wood, sturdy handles, flattens dough great and makes crust making a breeze! If you don't have a rolling pin yet, this is the one for you.

OvenStuff Non-Stick 9 Inch Pie Pan Two Piece Set

2015-03-15T14:58:22-04:00By |Baking Tools, Essentials|

We've made many pies including our beloved apple pie in these pie pans and they all came outgreat! They're solid (good weight), non-stick and clean up super easy. You can really feel the quality. You'll get a perfectly golden browning all around, including the crust's bottom. Grab yourself a pair of these, you won't regret it.

Wilton Parchment Paper

2015-03-15T14:58:20-04:00By |Baking Tools, Essentials|

If you bake a lot, this parchment paper really makes cleanup extremely easy. Cookie dough and any other dough or ingredient doesn't stick to it and you can even reuse it a lot of the time! Make sure to use it in ovens at up to 400°F. Great price, solid product.

OXO Good Grips Apple Corer and Divider

2015-03-15T14:58:18-04:00By |Essentials, Utensils|

This apple (and other fruit) slicer makes coring and splitting a 2-second job. Literally. If you commonly use fruits or use fruits in large quantities (like for apple pie) then this is the perfect tool for you. It's also dishwasher safe and is super easy to clean. Stays sharp and lasts for years!

Stainless Steel Egg Poacher

2015-03-14T14:55:14-04:00By |Cooking Tools, Essentials|

Always wanted to make poached eggs? These make it a breeze! Once you figure out the right water level, the rest is a done for you with these handy little egg poachers. Be sure to use a slightly wider pot for the best results. When taking them off the pot, be careful handling them as [...]

Coconut Butter

2015-03-14T03:29:51-04:00By |Edibles, Essentials|

Everyone’s heard of coconut oil, but coconut butter doesn’t get nearly enough attention. Coconut butter is simply pureed coconut meat. It subtly tastes of coconut and has the texture of peanut butter. Coconut butter is a delicious spread. Treat it as you would peanut butter but with only 1 carb per tablespoon - spread it [...]

FORLIFE Brew-in-Mug Extra-Fine Tea Infuser with Lid

2015-03-13T19:12:25-04:00By |Essentials, Utensils|

An all-around great tea infuser/filter that fits into virtually any tea cup (and most regular cups and mugs). It does an amazing job at keeping out even the tiniest sediments, so expect some really clear brews! Pro tip: Try ground coffee instead! You'll get more flavor and concentration than from a standard coffee brewing machine.

Paleo & Keto Morning Detox Tea [VIDEO]

2020-05-02T13:03:25-04:00By |Breakfast, Drinks, Gluten-Free, Low Carb / Keto, Paleo, Popular, Recipes, Vegetarian, Video|

Start your morning right, every day with Detox Tea! Sweet, tart and detoxifying, this "tea" refreshes you and provides some awesome benefits! The main ingredient is organic apple cider vinegar (ACV) and it packs a punch! It aids in weight loss, helps control blood sugar, boosts energy, improves immunity, metabolism, digestion, acne, hair, breath and [...]

Lucentee 3-Piece Silicone Spatula Set

2015-03-12T16:15:06-04:00By |Essentials, Utensils|

These awesome silicone spatulas make it super easy to cook, mix and stir. They are non-stick and stain/odor resistant so cleaning is super easy. You'll save a bunch of time and headache with these instead of the metal or plastic equivalents because of how smooth and flexible they are. You'll love how easy it is to [...]

Norpro Stainless Steel Scoop, 56MM (4 Tablespoon)

2015-03-12T16:14:26-04:00By |Essentials, Utensils|

Perfect for ice cream, cookie dough, and anything else you need round! It holds 4-5 tablespoons (top it off for 6 :) ). The handle is comfortable in your hand and the whole scooper is quality so it won't break or fall apart for a long time. You'll be glad to have this in your toolkit.

Wilton Recipe Right Medium Loaf Pan

2015-03-12T16:01:25-04:00By |Baking Tools, Essentials|

Wilton makes great bread pans. Even cooking, long-lasting build quality, effortless cleanup. It might sound like a commercial, but this thing literally looks brand new after every use. Simply a great pan with no complaints. You'll notice the difference in your breads and loafs after trying this pan just once.

Good Cook Set Of 3 Non-Stick Cookie Sheet

2015-03-12T15:59:09-04:00By |Baking Tools, Essentials|

We've been using the same set for a few years now with no degradation of quality in the build and non-stick surface. 100% dishwasher safe. The trays simply stack for space saving. Pro tip: When possible, lay down aluminum foil on top to save yourself even more time cleaning and preserve the pans for even more years!